Help us to support more eye cancer specialists

There are not enough eye cancer specialists – ocular oncologists – in the world, and it takes years of training to become one. The amount of money we have available is the only limit to how many of them we can help. Our overheads are low, so money donated goes directly to eye cancer specialists who need financial help to complete their training.

Give something back

If you are interested in helping to train more eye cancer specialists, please consider donating to the The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust. Maybe you are at a point in your career where are you are able to help those just starting out on theirs. If you have time but not money, get in touch to find out about other forms of support you may be able to give.

Corporate partnership

A corporate partnership with The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust could bring real benefits to your business through appropriate publicity. It would also help us to maintain or expand the level of our annual grant budget. By working with, or donating to, the VCECCT you will have a positive and long-lasting impact on care for eye cancer and those who provide it.

Ways you could help

Make a donation

All donations, small or large, are greatly appreciated. If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim an extra 25% of your donation from HMRC as Gift Aid.

Corporate sponsorship

Victoria Cohen helped literally hundreds of people with eye cancer. Could your company sponsor an ocular oncologist? If you are interested in corporate sponsorship, we would be delighted to hear from you

Personal Sponsorship of an Eye Surgeon
The Victoria Cohen Scholarship is currently worth $40,000. If you would like to sponsor a scholarship in its entirety we could refer to the award as ‘The Victoria Cohen Scholarship in memory/ recognition/ honour of…’, or similar, as appropriate to your circumstances.

Leave a legacy

A legacy can be a tribute to yourself or a loved one. We would be happy to discuss any legacy donation you might like to make.

Become an ambassador

If you, or someone you know, has had eye cancer, please consider what you can do to raise the profile of the VCECCT. You could help us spread the word about the need for more eye surgeons.

Raise funds for us

Whether you are being sponsored to take part in a race, or having a cake sale, there are many ways in which you can raise money for us to save more people’s lives, eyes and vision through education.